The marvelous thing about God is that the deeper the tragedy, the greater the grace. Dawn Smith Jordan is no stranger to both. On May 31, 1985, Dawn’s younger sister, Shari, was kidnapped and murdered just two days before her high school graduation. It became the largest manhunt in South Carolina’s history, drawing national attention.
Shari’s murderer allowed her to write a letter of farewell to her family, saying, “Please don’t let this ruin your lives. Just keep living one day at a time for Jesus. Remember, everything works out for the good to those that love the Lord. Some good will come of this.” Never could Dawn or her family have realized how God could do just that.
With the hope only found in Jesus Christ, Dawn went on to become Miss South Carolina in 1986 and 2nd runner-up to Miss America.
Today, Dawn ministers in up to 75 concerts/events annually. The heartbeat of her music and message is the sufficiency of God’s grace, even to the point of forgiving the man who killed her sister. Dawn has ministered for over twenty years throughout the United States, Canada, and the Cayman Islands.
Dawn continues to walk in the grace of which she sings and speaks. In 1997, due to circumstances not of her own choosing, Dawn became a single mother. From the pit of despair came a deeper trust in the Lord and a new ministry to those facing the same situation. Forgiveness, once again, played a vital role in Dawn’s ability to find healing and hope.
As a Contemporary Christian singer/songwriter/ recording artist with Urgent Records, an author, and a professional speaker, God has given Dawn a unique ability to communicate His truth in a moving way, as a living, joyful testimony, even from the deepest of unexpected heartaches.
Dawn’s life verse and commitment are found in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.”
Dawn’s greatest joy is being a mother to her two children, Hannah (13) and Ross (10). They reside in Columbia, SC and are active members of First Baptist Church, Columbia.
Visit Dawn at