Friday, June 1, 2007

Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study

Ladies, did you know that there’s a weekly Bible study opportunity just for you? On Tuesday mornings, there is a Bible study just for ladies that you are invited to join.

This Bible Study group has been growing in our church since 1989. What started as a home Bible study for ladies grew to need a larger space and childcare for stay-at-home moms who were attending. Since the fall of 1989, this ladies group has been using our church facilities to grow one of the longest running, most well-attended Bible study groups our church hosts.

Over the years, the group has grown from a regular group of six to a roster of 37 ladies who are regularly involved. These 37 ladies represent 12 area churches. This group is open to any lady in the church or community who wants to become involved. The dynamic that helps this group to continue to grow is the closeness of the ladies involved. These ladies pray for each other every week when they come together. For the first hour of each session, they break into small groups where they share prayer requests and lift one another up in prayer.

Childcare is available for children 4 and under. The only cost involved in this study is the cost of the book (usually $10-15). The ladies also chip in to cover the costs of childcare.

In the past, this group has done studies by Ann Graham Lotz, Kay Arthur, Mary Kassian, and they’ve done all of Beth Moore’s study. On Tuesday, June 12, the group will begin a study of Tianne Moon’s Enjoy: A Thirst-Quenching Look at Philippians. This will be their summer study. We especially invite teachers and ladies who work in the schools to join us for this summer study, since they are not usually able to study with us!

For the summer, the study will begin at 9 AM on Tuesday mornings. For more information, contact us (comment here or email us at