Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Called To Minister in the Present

This weekend's sermon touched a soft spot with us at WFBC! We are all called to overcome the conflicts, confusion, and complications of the present to do ministry in the midst of it!

Jesus said, "My yoke is easy!" The burden He puts on your life is bearable and His yoke is specifically designed for you!

How did this weekend's sermon impact you? What did you learn? Do you feel called to a particular ministry?

Use the link above to connect to our church's web page to hear the sermon.

Join Us for a Beach Blast!

All the women of our church, ages 18 years old and up,

If you missed our first meeting in May, then you missed a truly inspiring time together as we shared God’s love for each of us. Hearts were touched as ladies boldly shared what God means to them and how he is working in their lives. It was a great time of women fellowshipping through love, laughter and tears. As one lady said, “I felt the presence of God. Great evening!” And another said, “This meeting was plumb wonderful!”

And still another said, “I want to be a part of this group!”

God is Great!!! God is Good!!!! God is Love!!!!!

Our next meeting is Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

You don’t want to miss our June meeting! So, plan to come and enjoy an evening of fabulous fun, fellowship, and food. We will be spending the evening with the theme “Let’s go to the beach and have a picnic” as we talk about “Everything God created is good”, especially YOU.

It’s SUMMERTIME and we plan to sit back and relax and enjoy the goodness of God!

You will need to wear your shorts, sandals, bikinis (optional), beach hat, and sunglasses. Bring your beach towel and beach chair so that we can sit around and share of all the wonderful things God has made!

Also, don’t forget to bring a picnic item or two. (sandwiches, potato salad, fried chicken, banana pudding, etc.)

It’s going to be a Beach Blast! It’s going to be about something bigger than you and me – God’s Goodness! Women, tell everyone about our group - WFBC. We want EVERY woman there!

We already know God is great, so let’s find out HOW great God is! See YOU there!!!

Childcare provided.